Edmund Brownless

Pressestimmen / Reviews


The solo tenor parts were exceptionally well sung by Edmund Brownless - everything he did was stylish, believable, affecting, ...

The Boston Globe


Edmund Brownless delivered the narration with tremendous drama and charisma, and his enunciation of the old French dialects was nearly musical in itself. The translation contained in the program, ... was practically superfluous, so vivid was Brownless' reading.

Chicago Tribune


Das einfache Rezitativ erhielt so eine tiefe Innigkeit und Expressivität, die nicht auf Virtuosität beruht, sondern auf größtmöglicher Verständlichkeit des Evangelientextes. Auf diese Weise gelang es Brownless, auch die Schattenseiten der Weihnachtsgeschichte plastisch herauszuarbeiten wie in seinem mitreißenden Vortrag von der Kindertötung zu Bethlehem.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

"Ein Genuss eigener Art war der Sprecher Edmund Brownless"

Frankfurter Neue Presse


... unabashed savoring of the language ...

                The Chronicle-Herald

"A lyric tenor by trade and by gift, Brownless brings a versatile and flexible instrument to the stage. His range is broad, and he appears to enjoy what freedom of expression that gives him. Probably a hundred times last night he changed character and created variety, and more than anything else about the performance, this sold a 20th century audience to a 17th art."

The Chronicle-Herald

"Brownless's light, effortless tenor, gliding smoothly from chest to head voice and back again, and his pleasant resonance, fit the repertoire of songs by Handel, Rousseau, Gluck, and Haydn like an elegantly tailored suit of clothes."

Stephen Pederson in The Chronicle-Herald

Köln / Cologne

Edmund Brownless, in den raschen Tenorarien sehr sicher, gestaltete den Evangelisten ohne Scheu vor Emotion und Emphase überzeugend.

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger

Deutlich und klar in der Diktion, engagiert und einfühlsam in der Gestaltung, so entstand ein Passionsgeschehen in den Rezitativen, in das Chor, Instrumente und die anderen Solisten zwangsläufig mit hineingenommen wurden. Sicher einer der Höhepunkte des Abends die Tenorarie "Holdselige Worte, süßes Versprechen".

Rheinischer Anzeiger

Bewundernswert Edmund Brownless minutiöse Ausdeutung der Texte, die reichen Schattierungen und Abstufungen in der Tongebung und die klaren schlichten Melodiebögen.

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger

... gesanglich perfekt und mit beeindruckendem theatralischem Gespür ...

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger


... the quality of the voices is attractive - high-tenor notes from Edmund Brownless are often beautifully placed ...


Sequentia's way with this music is enormously impressive ... With their collaborators, the fiddler Laura Jeppesen and the singer Edmund Brownless, they have evolved an ethos for this music which is highly rhetorical, ...

The Observer


... Edmund Brownless was perfectly suited to the role of the Evangelist, and it was he who enunciated his German with the greatest clarity.

The Montreal Gazette

... excellent (et irremplaçable!)

La Presse


Forcefully and dramatically, he set himself to what would seem the self-evident task of any evangelist: to tell the tale. Brownless did this with the inflections of a good rhetorician, and a good sense of the emotional value of vocal coloring.

The Globe and Mail

S. auch / see also:

Presse / Reviews